Making a
Difference Is
Important to Us

The Owens Group Foundation Gives Back

In the spirit of community, Owens Group’s owners and employees are grateful for the opportunity to share their success through The Owens Group Foundation. Through voluntary participation and matching programs, we contribute annually to local, national and international charities. We cherish these vital partnerships as we work together to create a better world for future generations.

Founded in 1990, The Owens Group Foundation receives funds through voluntary employee payroll deductions that are matched dollar-for-dollar by the company. In addition to financial contributions, Owens Group employees have donated their time, and we have participated in many food, clothing, and furniture drives for charitable organizations. To date we have donated more than $1,000,000 to help those in need and give back to our community.

Our dedicated committee of staff-volunteers meets monthly to review potential recipients who have applied for funds. We donate both to well-known charities, and also to smaller and local charities with proven track records.

Over the years clients and associates have inquired about our program, as they prepare to form a charitable group within their own organization. We would be happy to share our experience with you to encourage a culture of giving in all of our workplaces.

Owens Group encourages employees to become involved in their communities, lending their voluntary support to programs that positively impact the quality of life within these communities. Owens Group allows staff to take paid time off to serve as volunteers in approved charitable organizations that are either of personal interest or are corporate-sponsored initiatives.


The Owens Group Foundation is proud to have provided support to many well-known charitable organizations as well as many smaller local charities with proven track records.


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